Bordados del Bosque

by Fundación Huilo Huilo, 11th junio 2019

CONTACT: ROSA LEIVA – 9 5680 4009


This “taller” (workshop) was the first workshop to be supported by the Huilo Huilo Foundation. This foundational initiative began in 2002 and now consists of six active craftswomen and three “monitoras.” Monitoras are those who have moved beyond craftswoman into more of a managerial role and teach at other workshops within the region. Our products, including cushions, bed landings, bags, placemats, and tablecloths, reflect the flora and fauna of the Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve.

Our History

Our group was originally formed as part of an initiative by the Huilo Huilo Foundation. At first, the group was dedicated to creating products made out of clay. However, the low quality of the local clay interacting with volcanic sand forced us to change our plan. In 2004, we formed a group of embroiders containing 11 novice craftswomen, led by the teacher Soledad Castaño.

In 2009, Patricia Maragaño, a teacher from Santiago, took the group to the next level. We began to work with finer wool, higher quality fabric, and defined purpose. The thinner wool and thread allowed us to create more precise works, with details and nuances that reflect the artisans’ creativity. This ultimately allows us to produce higher quality and more aesthetically pleasing products, which represent the local flora and fauna.

Even though the materials used in our products changed, our emphasis remained on the flora and fauna of Huilo Huilo. Our improved products reflect the enormous amount of growth we have experienced throughout the last eight years. One example is the promotion of some members of the groups to more expert “monitora” positions. The group has since expanded its influence to other regional areas, leading to the creation of a second “taller” in 2017. Our goal is to empower women by providing them with opportunities for growth and personal development.

Our artisans also balance a variety of other jobs in the local workforce, allowing most them to dedicate between two and eight hours a day to their embroidery. Embroidery supplements their household income and provides them with a relaxing pastime. The returns received for their embroidery vary between 10 and 60 percent of their personal income. For some, the embroidery is essential to their family income.

The majority of artisans embroider at night, listening to music and occasionally the rain. The most important embroidering season is winter, when people spend more time inside. A product can take many hours of work to produce. An embroidered cushion takes on average 12 to 14 hours of work. The product is not cheap. It takes a lot of work to produce beautiful images of nature and capture them in a fine, beautiful, and unique fabric. The embroidery artisans are the painters of the flora and fauna of the Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve.

Where to Find Us

1. Café del Bosque
2. Café del Duende
3. Cafetería de la Selva Patagonica de la Montaña Mágica

Gallery of Learning

Gallery of Products
